Natural Indoor Air Keeps Teacher Asymptomatic

Naava green walls help to decrease sick leave rates and increase productivity at work

When a person becomes sensitized to indoor air, the future can literally start to seem hazy. Conditions found normal in tests can cause health symptoms that degrade a person’s working ability, to which the only solution seem to be the recurring sick leaves. Hopelessness starts to burden your mind. Am I going to able to work anywhere?

Teacher and principal Marja Hänninen-Helin is one of the numerous people who have become sensitized to indoor air. Her story begins from a school, where in a recently renovated classroom pupils where taught by an absent minded teacher.

Her pupils kept telling her she was repeating the same things all over again, something that the teacher, suffering from a weird feeling, did not notice herself. From time to time, headache and dizziness escalated to such severe state that Hänninen-Helin had to stay out of work.

"I know that it works. Naava has been useful and of concrete help, and by no means would I want to work without it”.


The first steps of Naava

In this difficult situation Hänninen-Helin was struck by luck as she got the chance to test the world’s very first indoor air cleaning Naava prototype, formerly known as FreshWall, in her classroom. Naava, still in its developmental phase, was installed to the classroom of the teacher suffering from health symptoms.

As it happens, little by little the troublesome symptoms disappeared. The Naava was set up in the winter 2011 and the teacher’s condition brightened up for the whole spring semester.

Little by little, the troublesome symptoms disappeared.

However, everything did not go as in a fairytale. After a relaxing summer vacation, an unpleasant surprise was waiting for Hänninen-Helin: the old symptoms reappeared. As a result of this enormous disappointment, Hänninen-Helin took sick leave and considered Naava to have been useless.

Before any hasty conclusions, the prototype was carefully examined and the reason behind the uneffeciency of the smart green wall was immediately found. An electrical fault had caused the mechanics to shut down.

When the active air circulation was not functioning properly, the air purifying power of the plants had dropped to the level of ordinary house plants, which was not enough to eliminate the symptoms.

The best indoor air leads to addiction

The fault got fixed and Hänninen-Helin returned to her work with mixed feelings. In the autumn she noticed that the time had passed and the symptoms had stayed away. The teacher was no longer forgetting things, as the naturally purified indoor air kept the brains constantly active. After some time the smart green wall was renewed as it was changed to the next model.

”I’m deeply grateful for trying out Naava for my symptoms and that I found help.”

Hänninen-Helin no longer needs to worry about maintaining her ability to work, since the solution to the problem has been found. As she took in the new challenges as the principal of another school, the symptoms raised their head again, until the smart green wall was moved to the new office.

When the Naava follows Hänninen-Helin, she is able to work in such places, where she othewise would develop unpleasant symptoms.

Our own health, as the health of our closest ones, is one of the most important issues in life. Without Naava, Hänninen-Helin might still be in the spiral of sick leaves and indoor air symptoms, and that is something unpleasant to even think about. ”I’m deeply grateful for trying out the Naava for my symptoms and that I found help”, says relieved Hänninen-Helin.

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