
The Top 5 News of 2014

In 2014, Naava (formerly known as NaturVention) raised more interest than ever in numerous media.

We ourselves paid a lot of effort to create high quality stories that are useful for our customers.

Below we have listed the the top five stories and blog posts about Naava.

1. Sitra and others invest in Naava

By far the biggest piece of news for Naava this year was receiving 1.1 million euros of seed funding. The funding will be used to accelerate growth especially in international markets. Read more.

2. Forbes: The hottest lifestyle trends

Do you know what the hottest health trends for next year are? Forbes for sure has this information since they claim that Naava and breathing natural indoor air are one of the most interesting trends of 2014. Read more.

3. Customer experience: Vaajakoski pharmacy

Our smart green walls bring natural indoor climate already to hundreds of premises and they improve the quality of indoor air that thousands breath. The most read customer story of 2014 portrays a pharmacy in Vaajakoski, in Central Finland, where our Naaava plays a crucial part in building the brand of the pharmacy. Read more.

4. Naava's story: from a lack of pure air to a successful company

Our story sheds light on how we started our battle to improve indoor air in every space. After the company was founded we have faced many obstacles but we have kept improving and growing throughout them.

5. Yle News

After the investment news, Yle (Finland's national public broadcasting company) interviewed the founders of Naava Niko and Aki about the goals of the company and how our products function. Earlier this year our best indoor climate solutions had made their way also to the evening news.

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Our experts will help design your space, old or new. Our consultation is always free! Send us a message and we will be in touch with you.